ELPAC Resources
ELPAC Administration
ELPAC Administration
The English Learner Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC) is underway to asses students that speak another language other than English. Tentative testing begins for new enrollees on September 21.
Introduction to ELPAC for Parents - English
Introduction to ELPAC for Parents - English
Introduction to ELPAC for Parents - Spanish
Introduction to ELPAC for Parents - Spanish
Prepare for the ELPAC
Prepare for the ELPAC
Below are practice tests for your students to try at home. Please contact your child's teacher for more information.
Overview of Computer Based ELPAC - English
Overview of Computer Based ELPAC - English
Overview of Computer Based ELPAC - Spanish
Overview of Computer Based ELPAC - Spanish
ELPAC Online Practice Tests